Monday, 25 April 2011

Chocolate Overload

Well, I hope that you have all had a nice Easter break and that the bunny brought you lots of eggs. I know that our house has had more than it's fair share of chocolate, and we shall probably be eating it for some time to come!

We had our closest family over for Sunday Lunch and it was great to spend some time in each others company, relaxing and chatting, just like millions of other families were doing. Like other celebrations we just love to push the boat out and make a special effort for our guests. My daughters made a cake....

We made personalised eggs for everyone ...
Which even had bunny's bottoms on the reverse!

With name tags and flowers

Everyone loved them and it was a pleasure to see people so happy and enjoying themselves, and ultimately that's what its all about isn't it. Any celebration that you host should be about your guests and their enjoyment.
I am pleased to say that everyone went home smiling... and then I was left to do the washing up! some things never change do they? Well everything is back to normal for a couple of days at least and then we have our Royal Wedding Celebration Party on Friday, so there are lots of preparations underway for that.

I have also seen the first edit of the film that I recently made for my new website so I am really excited about sharing that with you very soon I hope!

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